This thematic area focuses on  gender,  both as an object to investigate in its own right and as an interpretive model. The study of gender is based on an interdisciplinary approach as a gender sensitive perspective can be applied to many disciplines, from human sciences such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, history etc.  to law and economics.

The aim is to combine the knowledge and skills from different study areas to gain insights into the psychological, social and cultural processes which lie at the root of discrimination based on sex and sexual orientation, as well as to examine the factors, such as sexism, which create obstacles to maintaining equal opportunities for both men and women. Topics to explore include: gender based violence, homophobia, the rights of gay couples, sexual objectification, the media and sexism/ religion and sexism, equal opportunities, maternity/paternity, families, human rights, rape as a weapon of ethnic cleansing. Interdisciplinary seminars on these topics will be offered within the courses taught by the study group’s lecturers.

Fiorella Giacalone, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli

Group Members: Alessandra Bellelli, Diana Bianchi, Giuseppina Bonerba, Cecilia Cristofori, Federica Mannella, Claudia Mantovani, Marco Mazzoni, Alessandra Pioggia, Francesca Piselli, Alessia, Valongo, Roberto Segatori