Ph.D. program in “Politics, Public Policies and Globalization”

The Department of Political Science has offered a three years Ph.D. program in “Politics, Public Policies and Globalization”

This is an interdisciplinary program dealing with the major transformations of today democracy investigated through the eyes of history, social and political sciences, law, anthropology and other approaches focusing on the interplay of different forces driving the changes.

The Ph.D. program is organized around three major research areas. The first one is the area of “Transformations of democracy”: it deals with the historical transformation of democracy, the evolution of political thought, the present problems of political participation, consensus building and public opinion, electoral systems. The following teachers contribute to the development of this area: Paolo Mancini, Gianni Belardelli, Fausto Proietti, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Alessandro Campi, Vincenzo Sorrentino, Giovanni Barbieri,

The area of “Democracy and New Welfare” investigates in particular issues of governance, welfare state transformations and human rights and their effects on the forms of democracy. The following teachers join this area: Ambrogio Santambrogio, Enrico Caniglia, Enrico Carloni, Stefano Giubboni, Marco Mazzoni, Loreto Di Nucci, Alessandra Pioggia.

The area of “Democracy and globalization” frames issues of contemporary democracy within a larger scope including multiculturalism, immigration, and the new state of international relations in a multipolar world. The following teachers contribute to this area: Fiorella Giacalone, Anna Baldinetti, Federico Zanettin, Manuel Vaquero Pineiro.

The call for academic year 208 - 2019 is published at "Bandi, avvisi e modulistica". Selection is based on a research project and colloquium. Students are required to have a good knowledge of Italian and English Language.

Coordinator and board members:

Paolo Mancini (coordinator) (publications)

Anna Baldinetti (publications)

Giovanni Barbieri (publications)

Giovanni Belardelli (publications)

Alessandro Campi (publications)

Enrico Caniglia (publications)

Enrico Carloni (publications)

Loreto Di Nucci (publications)

Fiorella Giacalone (publications)

Stefano Giubboni (publications)

Marco Mazzoni (publications)

Maria Giuseppina Pacilli (publications)

Alessandra Pioggia (publications)

Fausto Proietti (publications)

Ambrogio Santambrogio (publications)

Vincenzo Sorrentino (publications)

Manuel Vaquero Pineiro (publications)

Federico Zanettin (publications)


List of current Ph.d students and thesis titles

XXXI cycle

Giovanni Kaczmarek
Percorsi di accoglienza e integrazione per i minori stranieri non accompagnati nelle organizzazioni di terzo settore
(Reception and integration of unaccompanied migrant minors and civil society organizations)

Anna Megale
L'Italia alle Nazioni Unite per la tutela internazionale dei diritti umani (1975-1993) (Italy at United Nations and the defense of human rights (1975 – 1993)

Pietro Sebastianelli
François Quesnay e la nascita dell’homo oeconomicus.
Una ricerca sulle origini del liberalismo e della soggettività economica in età moderna
(Francois Quesnay and the birth of “homo oeconomicus”. A study on the origins of liberalism)

XXXII cycle

Nadine Innocenzi
Geopolitica dei confini europei: discorsi e pratiche
(Geopolitics of European borders: discourses and practices)

Anna Stanziano
Analisi del rapporto tra percezione della corruzione e reale estensione del fenomeno in Italia
(Corruption perception and actual data in Italy)

XXXIII cycle

Angela Bassi
Movimenti sociali e azioni collettive: una proposta studio sulla realtà urbana napoletana
(Social movements and social actions: a study of Naples urban sitaution)

Aurelio Ciccarelli
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon nel dibattito politico-culturale italiano del Novecento (1900-1945)
(Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the Italian political.- cultural debate (1900 – 1945)

Gloria Pettinari
Il ruolo della trasparenza nello sviluppo delle Istituzioni democratiche.
Gli strumenti tra efficienza e legittimità
(Transparency in the development of democratic institutions. Tools for efficinecy and legitimation)

Sofia Verza
The representation and regulation of terrorism in Italy and Turkey